Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://tvqb/11744.23/2250
Title: Programming ASP.NET MVC 4
Authors: Jess Chadwick - Todd Snyder, Hrusikesh Panda
Keywords: Công nghệ thông tin;Giải thuật;Lập trình ASP.NET;Học tập
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: Get up and running with ASP.NET MVC 4, and learn how to build modern server-side web applications. This guide helps you understand how the framework performs, and shows you how to use various features to solve many real-world development scenarios you’re likely to face. In the process, you’ll learn how to work with HTML, JavaScript, the Entity Framework, and other web technologies.
Description: 492 trang
Appears in Collections:Công nghệ thông tin

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